Saturday, February 20, 2010

Dream Team NFL Style

I must admit that I'm a big fan of the Olympics. I have always watched and enjoyed the Olympic Games, going all the way the back to the days of ABC and Jim McKay. One of the best thing that ever happened to the Olympics was the creation of the Dream Team for basketball in the 1992 Summer Olympics. That was followed by the creation of the Dream Team tournament in hockey in the Winter Olympics in 1998. Both ideas were fantastic, and to see the best players represent our country is really one of the neatest things to watch in sports. Imagine if American Football was as popular around the world as basketball and hockey. How cool would it be if the USA was challenged in football by Canada, Mexico, Japan, Germany, and Russia? Actually, American Football is growing around the world. There are teams and leagues in Scandanavia, Europe, Canada, Mexico, and Asia. Could you imagine if one day the rest of the world caught up to the United States in American Football? How cool would it be if we had to send our own Dream Team to compete against the world's best in the sport that is the most popular in America? Well, thank god for the offseason because I have thought about creating a 53 man Dream Team that would take on the world and compete for a gold medal. Like Canada in hockey and the U.S. in basketball, there is so much talent to choose from, that it is important to pick the right coach and the right type of team. It can't just be a collection of Pro Bowl rosters or All-Pro teams. You have to create the right type of team with the right type of players.

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