Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Schedule Expansion and other topics around the NFL Cont...

3) A third reason why the NFL shouldn't expand to 17 or 18 games is because the NFL is fine exactly the way it is now. The quote "It Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It" applies perfectly with the NFL. The league is fine, so leave it alone. It reminds me of when Eric Bishoff and WCW in the late 90s. From 1996-1998, WCW was beating the WWF and dominating the Pro Wrestling Industry. However, Bischoff and Company began to tweak and change the landscape of WCW, and eventually the company bottomened out and went under in 2001. Now, I know the NFL won't have the same fate, but the same principle applies-just leave it alone. 16 games is perfect. Everyone knows the deal with the preseason games anyway. Besides, it is still Baseball season when the NFL preseason kicks off. The most intense NFL fan, myself included, doesn't really get worked up for preseason, but we don't need to. We know we have 17 weeks of NFL action, followed by 3 weeks of playoff games and a Super Bowl. We are find we that! Please, Mr. Goodell leave it alone!

The Favre Watch: I am sick of Brett Favre. He is definitely coming back to the NFL and playing for the Vikings. No big deal-at least it will make the Vikings somewhat watchable early in the season.

International NFL Regular Season Games: This angers me deeply. Use the preseason to pump up international appeal. Put preseason games in England, Germany, Mexico, Japan, and Canada. Don't take away home games from fans, so the NFL can promote the product overseas. No one in London cares about the NFL. The Bills playing home games in Toronto is terrible. The Bucs losing a home game to play in London is ludicrous.

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